Azi doar cuvinte. S-a intamplat, sa le citesc acum cateva zile si mi-au placut atat de mult, incat ma intorc mereu la citatul cu pricina. Exact asa simt privind perfectiunea unei flori, fie ea mazare decorativa, trandafir, floare de camp sau camelie.
" I kept looking at the flowers in a vase near me : lavender sweet peas, fragile winged and yet so still, so perfectly poised, apart, and complete. They are self-sufficient, a world in themselves, a whole — perfect. Is that then, perfection ? Is what those sweet peas had what I have, occasionally in moments like that ? But flowers always have it — poise, completion, fulfillment, perfection ; I only occasionally, like that moment. For that moment I and the sweet peas had an understanding."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh - Bring Me a Unicorn (1971)